Wednesday, January 7, 2009

All's fair in love and war and BUSINESS!!

I read an article on Huffington post that caused me to step back and say, "What? Seriously? ONLY in America! " And then I read the same article on CNN and knew for sure it WAS a joke. Only, the joke was on US, the American people!

It was an article titled, "Porn Kings want bailout". Aside from the ridiculousness of the assertion that bailing out the auto industry and the financial sector somehow makes it alright for other "industries" to seek similar tax payer help, the saddest joke about this article is that no one questioned the enormous travesty of referring to the porn output as "industry".

For long I have felt that we are willing to make enormous concessions to businesses as long as they fulfill that one reason for their existence - making money. Money and the making of money seems to condone every mistake, every wrongdoing and every wrong purpose. It is indeed a sad day for us when we can accept the exploitation of women and teens in the name of money making and justify these businesses as "industries".

Adding insult to injury is asking for taxpayer bailout to sustain the "industry" in the name of sexual health for America.

As long as the focus of business is only money, we are going to get slammed in many ways by unscrupulous business men. Businesses and corporations need to have a social conscience - there is no way around that.

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