Monday, January 19, 2009 - Nice invention!

Some weeks ago, as I was posting on my fledgling food blog - Flog!, I suddenly noticed a huge spike in the hits on my site. Upon investigating further, I realized that a site called Alpha Inventions was trolling the blogosphere to look for blog authors who were logged in and posting new posts so that it could let readers know in real time.

I thought it was a fantastic idea. And since then I have utilized Alpha Inventions free posting feature to let my readers and new readers know that I have updated my blog.

I did read some comments on the Wordpress Forum from some of the members complaining that Alpha Inventions was messing up their stats because wordpress essentially counted every display on Alpha Inventions as a hit. However, I must say this in defense of Alpha Inventions: yes, maybe the site hit count may not be accurate, but as a blog owner, I should acknowledge the exposure it grants my blog. This exposure, albeit 5 seconds (click the Pause button, if a blog catches your eye and you find the 5 second flash so interesting that you want to read further), has brought me new readers and new subscribers. I am very appreciative of that.

As a blog reader, I also enjoy Alpha Inventions. In this huge blogosphere, there are so many interesting blogs which, due to the large competition get missed, but which are of great interest to me. When I go into Alpha Inventions to notify my readers about my blog updates, I also get to see who else had updated their blogs and I invariably find myself lured to their blogs. I enjoy the fact that Alpha Inventions makes it possible for me to notice so many new blogs that I might otherwise miss.

So, regardless of the fact that hit counters are really a bit skewed, (for God's sake, the hit counters are for the blog owner, so just discount the numbers and figure out your true numbers - no need to complain and make a ruckus about this when the benefits are so much more!) Alpha Inventions is indeed a very useful tool.

I highly recommend it - as a blog owner as well as a blog reader!

1 comment:

alphainventions said...

Thanks for the post about I hope you don't mid extra readers even though it's been a while since the posting.